



och.scorestream is a max4live MIDI device initially designed to facilitate networked scores, but which can also be used for a wide range of applications involving remote display of graphic files triggered from within Ableton using MIDI sequencing tools. The device enables an Ableton user to create dynamic, algorithmic sequences of graphic images that can be displayed on the screens of any number of remote users via any modern web browser, including users on both local networks and across the internet. The host user places the main och.scorestream device on a MIDI track and loads a folder of images, which automatically generates a series of MIDI clips on the track, one clip for each image (png or jpg) in the folder. An additional och.scorestream-player device can also be inserted into additional tracks within the same Ableton set, allowing for each track to send its graphics to a distinct “player,” enabling scores with multiple parts to be sent out via internet to any number of users. Using launch actions set up in the MIDI clip groups, including the possibility of using follow actions, users can therefore create randomized or algorithmic sequential flows of images to enable dynamic, networked scores . Remote users do not need Ableton, only need a web browser, and can individually determine which “player” part they receive when establishing their connection to the host IP/port. 

See it in action


note: please make sure you change "Preferences > File > Max Application" to use the official Max release and not the bundled version.



  • drop och.scorestream on a midi track
  • select a folder for the images on your computer by pushing the button. All the images inside this folder will be listed as midi clips on the track.
  • (Optional): right click device title bar and "Open Max window" to double check the IP and ports being used
  • Have the performers connect to you and reply to the 3 initial prompts: their name, your ip (same they just used to connect), and the secondary port which should be 8086 (see note4 below)
  • Once they press "READY", their name should be listed under "list of players"
  • triggering any of the clips on this track will set the corresponding image to appear on performers' screen
  • pressing the "allow image upload" toggle will make 3 buttons appear on top left corner of the performer's screen, allowing them to contribute images to this session. These will be automatically added as midi clips.
  • use device on/off button to quickly restart the device

note1: images should be in either jpg or png format. 

note2: As with everything regarding networks, make sure you are accessible to the performers you are playing with (including local vs public IP, open ports, etc.)

note3: instead of answering the 3 prompts that the webpage throws when performers connect, you can give performers a link with these parameters already embedded.

note4: under the hood och.scorestream is managing 2 servers one of them defaults to the port number being displayed on the device (8081), the other to port 8086. If conflicts should arise, use the optional "Open Max window" step to debug.

First time you use this device you'll need to install it

  • 1) open device in max editor;
  • 2) unfreeze it;
  • 3) close and save the max editor, then reopen the device in editor;
  • 4) press INSTALL;
  • 5) paste your personal key

note: 2) and 3) are due to a Max bug that cycling74 is working towards fixing soon.


The second available device in the pack - och.scorestream-player -, is an even simpler device that, once dropped on additional tracks, allows you to send a unique score stream to additional players. It should be dropped into Live after och.scorestream is in place, and it will get the current settings automatically.


Following on the "Score Streams" concept, coined by Dessen in 2008 [1], referring to "algorithmic, networked scores in which notations are displayed dynamically on computer screens", och.scorestream propose to bring a simplified and easy to use "Score Stream" implementation to the Ableton Live environment, taking advantage of this DAW's sequencing capabilities.

[1] Dessen, M. (2010). New Polyphonies: Score Streams, Improvisation and Telepresence. Leonardo Music Journal, 20, 21–23. https://doi.org/10.1162/LMJ_a_00007

Dedicated to Michael Dessen


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PROMO CODE (25% off for the first 25): push2push

this device is distributed with a license. It can be activated twice.

(need help? just reply to receipt email)


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